Monday, June 16, 2008

Da Da's Day

Happy Father's Day!

It was a great one indeed. We went to church in the morning & had coffee with friends afterwards. Then some friends came over with their munchkins to celebrate Father's Day at our house. We all cooked out, had burgers, brats, & kabobs, & had some excellent maccoroni. Mmmm! Not to mention yummy icecream cake and blueberry pie for desert. (No, I did not do all the cooking.) Haha. I've some super cute photos to post below. 

Here's a brief Ella update. She has for sure been experiencing a serious growth spirt. She's eatting more, drinking more (actually able to guzzle down a full 7-8 ounces); she is so close to walking & acting so much like a toddler already. For instance she gets very fussy when she doesn't get her way especially when she can't chew on things like plastic bags. LOL. She's a hoot! 

Well, this weekend we realized that we will be leaving for Tennessee/Michigan in 6 weeks! Wow; time sure is flying by. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. 

Ella excited in the cry room at church.

That looks comfortable.

Ella loves books!


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