Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fun up in Michigan

Hello! I just wanted to post a couple more fun photos taken during our 3 weeks together up in Michigan. Their are some really cute ones of Jonah & Ella. 

Briefly, Jonah is over in Afghanistan; I'm not going to go into detail on his whereabouts, but I'll keep you updated as much as possible. Also, If you're interested in sending him packages please email me & I'll give you an address. I should have the address within the week. I know that he'll need food that is ready made because it's likely that he's not going to have electricity. Books, snacks, photos, & letters would be wonderful, and the more packages sent, the better. It's going to be another long approx. 7 months for the 3 of us not being together. Please keep Jonah & his team in your daily prayers.

Enjoy the photos & thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!! Lots of love!!

1 comment:

The Durkee's said...

I love the picture of Ella and Jonah in the pool..Hang in there girls! The time will go by..