Monday, January 5, 2009

Until they all come home...

I'll have to be honest with you, I may put on a face with a smile, but being away from my husband right now is very painful inside. Of course I have my good days when life seems to continue with it's routine and is accepted. However, today is one of those bad days. 

Today is our 2nd year anniversary of our first wedding. Yes, for those of you that don't know, we got married legally January 5th, 2006 at the First United Methodist Church in Niceville, Florida. As I wrote in an email to Jonah today... "I know that I'll always remember that day. I was so anxious to get done with teaching. I remember getting home and being a little sad that you weren't home when I arrived, but I used that time to hurry up and get beautiful for you. Then I remember going downstairs after I was ready and realizing that I hadn't even noticed the Kay's bag sitting next to the TV which you left unintentionally b/c you figured you'd beat me home. I will honestly say that I did not peek! Then I remember you coming home and everything then happening so fast; we were rushing to the church to arrive on time. I'm assuming we were supposed to be there around 6PM. When we arrived I thought it was so beautiful to be together in that small prayer room and everything was so simple and perfect. I remember being a little nervous about messing up the words that I would repeat to you as my committed vows, but also thinking how lucky I was to have you be the one to say them to." I guess what has been most difficult about today is that I wanted so badly to talk to Jonah and wish him a Happy Anniversary, however, he will have a nice email from me to look forward to. ;) Plus we have February 10th just around the corner!

I can't put into words the emotions I have while knowing that my husband is off at war. I have talked to him 2 times in the past 2 weeks each time for 10 minutes because their are other marines waiting to use the phone to speak to their loved ones. I feel so selfish when I become upset that I wish we could speak longer, but it's also just a relief to hear his voice and know that everything is okay. It's funny the things that we take for granted; cell phones have become such a useful tool in communicating... the usual phone call before your spouse arrives home for dinner as a way of "checking in" becomes such a routine that when it is put on hold because of circumstances like these is highly missed. Perhaps I could try that 800 number that shows up from his satellite phone? Ha! ;) 

So, dear loving family and friends, please continue to keep not only Jonah but all military (especially ones that are away from their families) in your prayers. Please remember that our loved ones are away because they are fulfilling their duty to our country; we seem to forget so quickly what happened in 2001 that we become unappreciative of the sacrifices that our men and women continue to make for us in support of our liberty. 

A Soldier's Wife's Prayer

Dear Lord,

Give me the greatness of heart to see
The difference between his duty and his love for me.
Give me understanding so that I may know
That when duty calls him, he must go.
Give me a task to do each day
To fill the time when he is away.
And Lord, when he is in a foreign land,
Keep him safe and in your loving Hand.


1 comment:

barbara kaye said...

Dear Liz, You and Jonah are in my prayers every day. How I wish you were not called upon to make this sacrifice. May God give you peace and comfort and cause you to remain strong as you wait for Jonah's return. I love you both.

It was bittersweet to remember that day with you. I feel so blessed to have shared that special time with you both.
