Friday, June 26, 2009


Hello! Here we are in the month of June already! Things are going great here. Dawn was able to make a visit out to see us this month. I've incorporated photos below of our fun time together! Unfortunately I realized I haven't any of Jonah mostly because he had to work most days and we took photos during our tourist outings. It's getting pretty warm out here in So Cal, but luckily the house we're living in this time has AC! 

Newest Ella news... our little one loves tutus. She has a blue one that she absolutely enjoys prancing around the house in. This excites me because I'm big into princesses and girly things. Can't you tell?? ;) However, I still can see Ella driving a hot pink dirt bike out with her dad in the future. Ella is talking all the time; the cutest was a few weeks ago when she was jumping on our bed while Jonah and I were still waking up in the morning and said "I'll be back" as she pranced out of the room. Her major interest besides tutus are: books, babies, stuff animals, Elmo, and Blues Clues.

Seaworld Photos with Nana
Ella loved the Seals and we had fun feeding them.
I love flamingos!
During our Shamou show. We believe!
Out the door for Seaworld adventures!
Beach Photos
The famous blue tutu.
Runny noses from the wind.
Check out the bows! ;)
Super cute!

1 comment:

barbara kaye said...

Adorable!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the tutu!!!! :) I miss you guys so much! Hope your plans for post-military are going well. :)
Much love,