Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!! Here are some photos taken this previous week up until today. Jonah's best bud from Michigan, Jason, came to visit with us for about a week. We had a lot of fun; especially at the zoo!! Today has been a very hot summer day; we went over to a little cook out at our local neighbors. Ella was so tired that she told me that she wanted to go "night night". She's asleep before sunset; no fireworks for us this year. Well, enjoy the photos & God Bless America!! :)
Koala Bears at the San Diego Zoo (one is to the far right).
My what good looking Monkeys!
Ella took a little nap during our little tour.
Best Buds.
Hello Ella!
This foot massage chair was amazing!
Yes, Ella has an alien friend that her Daddy got her.
He bought it at an electronics store.
Before Ella's nap today she insisted on sleeping with her babies and bears.
On our way to the cook out!
Rocks and Side Walk Chalk were a big hit today; along with hot dogs, strawberries, and cake.
Handsome Hubby!

1 comment:

barbara kaye said...

LOVE the photos!! I miss you all SO much! So glad to see you all so happy and looking GREAT!
Much love and prayers,