Sunday, April 25, 2010

Here's the Kiddos!

Happy Spring! Everything is going quite wonderfully here. Our little gals are doing very well. Ella has recently gone back to school a couple hours a week for entertainment; she absolutely loves it and wishes to go everyday. Esme smiles all the time now and we can even get her to giggle for us on occasion. We're happy that she finds us amusing. :) We absolutely love our two beautiful daughters and are feeling on top of the world right now with the joy they bring to our lives. Final arrangements are being made for our big move up to Alaska, yes, Anchorage Alaska bound we are. We will be heading that way starting May 8th! Enjoy the photos!

I hosted a baby shower for my best bud, Amanda. Here's the diaper cake I made her as the center piece; her baby boy's name starts with an H. I was very proud of myself and hope to do another soon! I forgot; I can't take all the credit because Jonah helped too!
Our little Esme is 2 months old now! I've been making sure to take her photo the exact day of the 10th every month in hopes to create a scrap book for her of her first year. She's so cute and smiling in this one.
All smiles and so gorgeous.
She's not a fan of tummy time.
I love the pinks and browns; so girly. ;)
Miss Ella all ready for bed at her best bud, Hannah's house.
Ella and Hannah running around.
Ella actually posing for a photo.
Yes, even silly faces for the camera.
Ewww! ;)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Earthquake

Unfortunately my blog entries have become quite short for descriptions on all our happenings. I'm lucky to get a paragraph in once I finally get around to posting. However, I'm sure you won't complain as long as I have the updated photos available. ;) Wow, I just had to do an intermission to take a bucket that got stuck on my toddler's head. Anyways! We had a relaxing weekend; Saturday we took Ella to our church's Easter egg hunt, cleaned our garage, & spent the evening with our friends the Depew's; Sunday Ella woke to find her Easter basket that the bunny left her and we continued the day relaxing and enjoying our time together. We also experienced our first earthquake together yesterday afternoon. I asked Jonah if he was rocking the chair and he said, "No it's an earthquake!". Nothing even came close to falling off the walls; it just made me feel a little nauseous for the most part. Happy Easter and all my love to our friends and family.
Ella wearing her Easter dress and bow.

We painted pottery one Saturday with our friends, Amanda & Hannah.
Ella made Esme an egg too.

Esme looking very Eastery.

Ella wearing a cute dress from Grandma Marcy and Grandpa Sam.
Easter party and egg hunt at our church.
Esme enjoying the Easter party.
Time for the egg hunt!
She caught a lot more than last year and cleaned up after the ones the older kids passed up. LOL.
We ate at our favorite breakfast place, the Garden Center. Mmmm!