Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Baby Pumpkin!

Happy Halloween everyone! So, my parents live in a neighborhood of approximately 10 other houses withing a couple acres of each other. We weren't expecting any trick-or-treaters, however, we got one large group around 7PMish tonight. My favorite costume was a little girl dressed up as a hot dog. It was cute; mom liked a nun outfit. LOL, I can't remember any of the others. We handed out huge handfuls of candy though so that we didn't get stuck with any leftovers. Haha. Also, we turned of the lights afterwards b/c it really didn't look like anyone else would be coming. Ella wore a little pumpkin hat & got to meet the treaters when they came by. Needless to say, she wasn't very excited because it was late and right after her feeding time. Next year Jonah & I hope to get creative with costumes & do perhaps a family theme. It'll be fun, especially because little Ella will be older then. :o) Hope you all had a safe Halloween!

1 comment:

The Chinlund Family said...

Oh my gosh, she is just too precious!!! Caleb has the same pumpkin hat, but I think he looks like Dopey from Snow White because his ears stick out :) I'm glad that you've joined the blogging world... I'll be checking in often! :) Take care!