Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tis the Season

Hey family & friends!

I just put Ella in her swing for her n-a-p of the morning. Needless to say, she's cooing & smiling at me while I type this. I think she's changed her mind about sleeping. Ha! She's discovered that she can do things on her terms. Like feeding for example, she'll eat what she wants & stop... 2 hours later... she's hungry again. LOL. Schedule? What's a schedule? One week I think we've got it down pat, then next, I'm like, "What's going on?" She's a lot of fun though, but wears me out. Ha! And she's not even crawling yet! :O) Luckily Daddy will be home once that starts up unless she decides to do it before 7 months! Yikes! Anyways, Ella is doing wonderful. She loves her exersaucer & flips around everywhere on the floor. She's learned how to scoot over towards toys/presents that she wants to touch. She can sit up but needs at least one hand to balance her. She's a cutie!

Jonah is doing well. He's going out into the desert for 10 days. I don't know much about the operation, but I do know he'll be doing his job which is very dangerous, so please keep some extra prayers in for him & everyone else going on the op. He won't be able to contact me at all during this time which it going to be really tuff b/c we won't even be able to speak to each other on Christmas day. :O( This holiday we're both ready for it to be over with so that we'll be closer to being together. :O) I love you Sweetheart!

Ella & I will be heading up to MI next week the day after Christmas. We're going to be flying & a little bit of driving involved, so please keep us as well in your prayers for safe travels. May you all have a blessed holiday with your families & know that you're in our hearts.

Enjoy the new photos! :O)
Ha! Ella just fell asleep.
PS- Here's a picture of Jonah taken a couple months ago. :O) We love our Marine! Be safe & come home soon!


barbara kaye said...

We love your Marine, too! :) And Ella is just SO CUTE! I love looking at the pictures you post of her. We are praying for your trip to Michigan. I know your mom is going to miss you and Ella SO much. It was such a joy to get to visit you all! Have a great time in Michigan...stay warm! :)

adictii said...

me mueo muerta que son gemelas,gemelos ,mellisos,mellisas una nena una varon??
igual son divinos o divinas en la fto que estan con los viejis afuera hay nieve?
la torta que tiene un cruz es porque se murio alguien ,por el bautismo,por el nasimiento,por el cumple mes o por el cumpleaƱos??

tan liminos o liminas como sean!!!!!!!!

a estaria bueno que alguien me diera una mano con esto por lo que veo podes subier foto y yo quisiera hacer lo mismo pero cmo soy media nueva en esto del blogger no se como

quiero felisitar a los papis de los o las bebos o bebas
y decierle feliz dia de la madre a la mmaa oy de uruguay y hoy es el dia de la mama?

