Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shamrock Kisses for Daddy

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

As you can see, no one will be pinching the two of us today. Tehehe.
Ella is holding her photo of Daddy that she keeps on her dresser. We've been going through albums a lot this week and I've been getting her all excited about Daddy coming home soon!!
She loves to kiss Daddy on the picture frame; little does she know how soon she'll be able to do it in person!! :)
Yes, only I would find a shirt that says "I shamrock Dad" and make sure it's worn on the appropriate day. I made her bows too btw which was fun and I'm quite impressed with. ;)
Ella and her super Cheese grin; that one has been around pretty much since she began to laugh and I know we're looking forward to seeing it forever. We love our baby girl! :)
I'm not sure what this gesture was about; you can see her little runny nose that we both have had pretty much since we got here. She was busy playing with her magnets on the fridge this morning. They are of various animals which she knows (most of which she can say) along with their sounds. 
This one is especially for Jonah. We love you so much and can't wait to be in your arms!!
This morning we got all decked out for the holiday. Which all I can really remember as a kid about St. Patrick's Day is that you must wear green no matter what or you'll get pinched. Some little kids are nice about it with a delicate "squish" and politely remember that they got you once for the day and that was it, however, their always is a little group of those aggressive pinchers that repeatedly nab you throughout the day because you've forgotten to wear that booger color which leads to by lunch time you finding a huge permanent green marker to color all over your hands as your "I'm wearing green now go away or I'll kick your butt". I forgot to mention also about the "Leprechaun" that would leave green tiny foot prints on my desk in the morning of school that oddly resembled the shape of my teachers thumb. And after watching the movie Leprechaun around the age of 10, I'm not really certain about the whole pot of gold being at the end of the rainbow thing. I think it's funny now being an adult around this holiday; we pretty much use it as an excuse to go out to an Irish pub whatever given night of the week it lands on to go drink green beer with buddies. Booger Juice anyone? ;) Mmmm!

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