Saturday, July 18, 2009

Well, it's been a long week for the three of us. Jonah is still out of town since last Monday for work related reasons but will be home tomorrow! Ella has repeatedly asked, "Where's Daddy?" and singing around the house, "Daddy where are you?". I told her that Daddy is at work this week and she gave me a grumpy whine that ended with a big sigh. Now she tells me, "Daddy's at work." I'm so glad that Jonah will not be deploying this August. :)

Today Ella and I went to Chick-fil-A for lunch; this usually happens when Jonah is out of town because he can't stand the place. ;) Anyways, after our delicious meal, Ella wanted to go play in the little play yard area. She was excited when entering because she usually plays on this fake treehouse that is inside for younger ones, however, within 30 seconds some little boy found Ella so attractive (he was probably 2 1/2) that he couldn't keep his arms off of her. I literally had to pry my pour scared child away from him. She was yelling, "No!" and crying. I'm so happy that one... Ella doesn't like boys that way, two... she has a serious bubble with a great alarm system, and three... she follows the rules of no PDA is allowed. With this incident and the last one of her being so frightened of the 5 foot cow, I don't think we'll be going back anytime soon. ;)

Friday (the 24th) we get to go see our baby on the ultrasound and listen to his/her heartbeat. Fun! I'm pretty anxious/excited about it because it feels like I've been waiting 2 months for this appointment. Things are a lot different from our first time around. I've been sick most afternoons (3PM seems to be the scheduled time) and completely exhausted. I'm back to taking naps when Ella is taking hers. Also, call me crazy but I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow and I seriously have felt our baby move already (the flutters). With Ella I didn't feel her move until about 3 to 4 months. I'll keep you all updated on our visit this Friday. :)

I have some fun videos to post, but I'm going to have to try when our internet connection is better. It takes forever to even download 30 seconds of footage on here, but I'll work at it soon. Miss Ella news... right now she's coloring circles with her marker; earlier she set up a tray with cups to have a little "tea party" with her bears. She's so much fun and I love teaching her new things and how she absorbs it so quickly. I'm excited for those of you who haven't seen her in months; she's going to have a lot of fun visiting friends and family this upcoming month. (Just a few short weeks!) Our first stop will be in Tennessee to visit with the folks and friends and then we'll be taking a road trip with cousin Laura up to Michigan! We should be arriving around August 5th. 
Who's this sexy couple?!
Ella did finger painting for all her grandmas and grandpas. Yes, it was so much fun to clean up afterwards. ;)
Jonah helping Ella dress her bear.
Super cute photo while at the playground last week.
Ella and I played dress up this week and had a little piano concert at home.

1 comment:

barbara kaye said...

Oh Jonah and Liz!!! I am SO excited for you! I did not know you were pregnant again!! I subscribe to your blog, but somehow I missed the last post on my dashboard. :( We are praying for a wonderful pregnancy for you! Love the pictures! As always it is so good to see you all are doing so well. Ella is such a cutie! When are you all getting out and going 'home'?

Love you!