Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We're 1/2 Way!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It was a small celebrated Thanksgiving with the Bruner's this year. Mom, Dad, Grandma Pat, Ella, Brett, & I ate a lot of food. As did everyone else I'm sure. :O) I got a phone call from Jonah & he told me that he ate lobster & steak for his Thanksgiving meal. Neat huh? He also informed me that he got 3 packages around Thanksgiving. The one that I sent had the best surprise though, a huge jar of cheese dip that splattered everywhere. He said it was molded and went all over everything. I must have been in baby la la land while packaging that present b/c I seemed to have forgotten to bubble wrap the jar & put a plastic bag around it. Haha. I get the stupid award this month. He said he was able to salvage a few things. One of his buddies made the comment of, "Did your wife send you a dirty diaper?". I found that quite humorous of a comment. Needless to say, I'll be checking the packages more intently before sending them from now on. ;O) Love you Jonah.

Ella has discovered that she can put more than just her hands in her mouth. She grabs everything now. I've to be careful while holding her during a meal b/c today she caught hold of some sauce I was using and got it all over her hand. LOL. She loves her toys & enjoys doing more big girl things... like sit up (with help), play on things other than her play mat, & likes to get in on the conversations by adding her baby talk. She's a hoot. I sent Jonah a CD this week of footage from her during the month of Nove, but I already need to go ahead and send another new CD b/c she's already started doing new things. She's growing up quickly.

So, this week marks 1/2 completion of Jonah's deployment! We've only 3 1/2 more months until we'll finally be home together again as a family!! We're so excited!! Jonah sent me flowers yesterday that are absolutely gorgeous to kind of celebrate. Please continue to keep our little family in your prayers. Their is to be a lot of traveling in the next couple of months for all 3 of us & we want to all be safe. :O)

Well, it's late & I'd love to get some rest b/c the little one is already down for the night. Here's some recent photos from Thanksgiving up until today. Ella has already started wearing some of her little Christmas outfits which one says "I love Dad" with her candy cane stripped pants that Jonah calls "ridiculous". Hehe. ;O) Another outfit she's pretty grumpy in b/c I think she was very uncomfortable (the blue dress). Needless to say, that one was changed out of within minutes. I also am putting just a couple more random cute ones of her.

Love you all. J,E,&I


GBDawn said...

Thanks for the packaging tips! I am so excited to see you all in person again! Jonah, GBDawn stands for "Grandma Bear". I thought you would be the first to "get it".
"Momma Bear" and "Grandma Bear"

Josh and Andrea Dornbos said...

Elizabeth, I love the little date tracker that shows how old Ella is. I tried to get it on our blog too but I couldn't figure it out. Got any help for me?

We love seeing Ella and I like her striped red pants, no matter what Jonah says.

Aylah says 'hi' I think because she's sitting in my lap mumbling and trying to press the keyboard buttons:)
Miss you!

Unknown said...

... Grandma Bear. Clever. HA!