Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jonah is out of town for the week but will be home on Monday. Ella and I have been hanging out and spending time with Ella's best bud and her mommy. Other than that, I've been catching up on a few books and just happy that I'm only away from Jonah for 10 days rather than 7 months. I love our little family and feel so incredibly blessed!

Girly update... other than this virus I can't seem to shake, I'm feeling quite well this pregnancy. Ella is such an adorable little girl and so smart. We have conversations all the time and she's become so easy to understand. (Jonah and I speak toddler language if anyone needs an interpreter.) At this moment she is pouring me tea to drink while making the "Tshhh" sound while also feeding every other small figurine she owns while saying "There you go; yum yum yum." As for girly number 2... she seems to be doing quite well. I'm five months (1/2 way!) now and can feel her kick quite often. I'm starting to remember how it was around 8 to 9 months and seeing Ella's foot swipe across my belly. Jonah and I called her an alien. LOL. ;) Anyways, I'm looking forward already to meeting our next little girl and already wondering what she's going to be like.

Here's our most recent photos...

Ella loves horsey rides.
She's a Daddy's girl.
I love him.
John and Jonah hanging out in the wanna-be "man cave".
Ella bumming off John for some ice cream before bed.
I absolutely love this dress; it reminds me of fall and makes me miss Michigan and Tennessee.

Ella was telling her bear to say "Cheese".
Ella and her best friend, Hannah, hanging out.
It's almost impossible to get them both to smile at the same time.

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