Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tennessee & Michigan Travels

During the month of August we were able to cram in a 2 week vacation that ended too quickly. We flew into Tennessee to visit with my family for approximately a week and then rode up with Jonah's cousin, Laura, up to Michigan for the following week. We then flew home from Michigan and it took us about 2 weeks to get back into our regular routine. We had so much fun visiting with family and friends and wished we could have stayed much longer. Thank you all for your love and our apologies for those that we were not able to see during our travels. Below are some fun photos taken for you to enjoy. ;O)

We were able to catch up with our friends Sammie and Mary while visiting the folks in Tennessee. We had fried brownies for the first time served with vanilla ice cream; yummy!!
My mom made a homemade chocolate pound cake to celebrate Ella's birthday. More deliciousness!
Ella insisted on seconds but had a rather hard time finishing them.
Side walk chalk time with Uncle Brett.
This was taken at a local lake near my folks house. We were able to eat at an actual boat house for lunch that day.
Marcy & Sam Bruner! We love you!
Ella loves for Daddy to swing her.

Ella and Grandpa.

These are all photos taken up in Michigan at Jonah's grandparents house. We had so much fun visiting with all the family. We celebrated Ella's 2nd birthday while there. Thank you for ordering the Elmo cake Courtney! ;O)

Jonah and his cousin, Courtney.
Ella's cousin, Aylah. Cute!
I know it's not facebook guys, but here's the super cute photo of Laura and Josh. (Jonah's brother with cousin.) :O)
Laura and our newest niece, Macy. :O)

Josh and Andrea (my wonderful brother and sister in law).
Thank you Aunt Susan and Uncle Bob for the cute outfit!
And thank you to everyone for Ella's gifts. She had a wonderful birthday!
Yes, Elmo!
Papa and Aylah having a moment together. Super cute!

While up in Traverse City we were able to attend our close friends John and Sam's wedding. The wedding and reception was absolutely gorgeous and we felt honored to share this special day with them it was also a joy to visit with all their families and friends. Here are some fun photos taken Saturday, August 8th.

Congratulations John and Sam!
Jonah's best bud Jason. They both looked pretty classy.
This is the dress that my wonderful sister in law, Andrea, helped me pick out from Motherhood Maternity.

Jonah paid a dollar to dance with John on his wedding and John's sister Heather created a beautiful ambiance.

1 comment:

barbara kaye said...

Love the pictures, Liz! Thanks so much for putting them up! You all are looking just fabulous! Congrats on having another girl!!! I am sure Jonah has plenty of testosterone to balance all that estrogen in the family! :) Sure would love to see you all. Give us a call sometime! We miss you so much.