Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Counting down the days...

Less than 26 days and Esme will be here!! I've to remind myself that the lack of sleep these last few days are to help prepare me again for having a newborn in the home. For those of you that are interested in the pre-labor signs... I'm almost positive that Esme has dropped. (However, this can mean that I still have the remaining predicted days left.) I'm hoping that she'll wait until February 7th (Nana will be here!!), however, we have wonderful friends in the area that are more than willing to step in to help with Big Sister Ella if she decides to arrive early. So, we spent yesterday super cleaning and organizing everything around the house. I'll be getting diapers today and stocking up on some Dreft (sensitive skin laundry detergent)... yes, my nesting instinct has finally set in.

We informed Ella this morning that her sister will be here in a month and she looked even more confused when we told her that Christmas was a month away back in November. It's going to be so much fun getting the girls together for the first time; we'll make sure to have lots of photos for you to enjoy.

That's it for now. I'll be posting photos of Ella dancing around in her pink tutu, so check back soon! :)

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