Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunshine Weekend & 5 WKS (35 DAYS) TO GO!!

Well, I think that we are going to start attending the Saturday evening church service. We have had quite a few weekends in a row now where we were unable to get motivated enough to make it to the 8 AM service. So, today has been a relaxing stay at home Sunday for us. We've enjoyed our weekend together. Yesterday we took Ella to a local park and packed a little picnic lunch. I finished a little Esme craft project over the weekend (which you'll see below), and I've been busy organizing and trying to figure out what we might need before her arrival.

Jonah and I are having so much fun with Ella. She is such the talker and such a joy to be around. She loves to be involved with everything that we do, and we noticed that she thoroughly enjoys having her parents at home with her at the same time. She's been sitting on the potty just about every hour; we've decided to keep her in pull-ups and pretty much just have her keep trying until she finally gets it. She knows about stickers and special treats if she goes, so I'm thinking that once it happens she'll be ecstatic about the rewards and want to go more.

Last night I watched a documentary about home births. It was quite informative and made me totally understand and respect women that decide to go this route for their natural childbirth, however, it wasn't convincing enough for me to decide to call a mid-wife and schedule one of my own.

Ta ta for now! :)

I made gumball looking letters for Esme.
I spray painted them brown, put pink multicolored circle stickers on the letters, and then glazed over them with glitter Mod Podge.
Today Ella wanted to color while Jonah painted.
Sliding with my baby girl.
It was in the upper 70s yesterday and quite bright out.
Ella loves the park.
Hi Daddy!
Super cutie; check out the Pumas her Daddy got her.
On toddler watch duty.

Lunch time.
She had a peanut butter sandwich.
Saturday morning watching an X-Men cartoon with Daddy.

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